Friday, March 13, 2009

Today was a big day. First of all, it's Friday the 13th.  Secondly, I took my first of four finals today and did pretty well (I think).  However, this is trivial to what else happened.  See that funny leaf pinned on my cardigan (and the goober grin on my face?). I got chosen today to be a member of the Ivy Honor Society.  While I am one that tends to need the occasional pat on the back and verbal reassurance, that is NOT why I am posting this.  I am posting this as an encouragement to YOU.

That little Ivy leaf represents all the people in my life who never believed in me and told me I was too stupid to ever go to college.  It represents feelings of agony and despair I have felt throughout the years to get where I am at today.  It represents the four years I spent in the military to pay for my education.  It also represents all the nights--and very early mornings--that I would have rather been doing almost anything else other than studying or working, but did it anyway.  Forgive the fairly cliche' statement of "If I can do it anyone can" but it is absolutely true.  I believe in you.  So does God.   "...With God all things are possible" (Matthew 19:26).  

It may not always be easy, and I guarantee there will be days you fill like you are losing an uphill battle, but I assure you that it IS possible, and if you are willing to work hard and dedicate yourself it WILL happen.   Disregard the opinions of others who want to bring you down and your inner negative self-talk.  You can overcome that and amount to so much more.

Don't lose hope.  I'm rooting for you.